Transforming A Person Into Cgi Photoshop

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.Open Photoshop and pull down the 'File' menu, then select 'Open.' Browse to a picture on your computer to turn into CGI and double-click the file name so it opens in the Photoshop workspace.Click the 'Lasso' tool on the 'Tools' palette on the left side of the screen.

Marble statue photoshop

Draw an outline around an object in the photo, such as a person or an animal. When the blinking dotted line appears, right-click it and select 'Layer via Copy.' .Pull down the 'Image' menu, then choose 'Adjust' and 'Hue/Saturation.' Move the 'Hue' slider bar to the left or right to recolor the selected area something unnatural, such as a pink cat or give a person purple skin.

Move the 'Saturation' slider bar all the way to the right, which amps up the color depth to a neon, cartoon-like level, then click the 'OK' button.Click the 'Background' layer on the 'Layers' palette on the left side of the screen, then use the 'Lasso' tool to outline another area on the image, such as another person. When the blinking lines appear, right-click and select 'Layer via Copy' again.Pull down the 'Filter' menu, then choose 'Stylize' and 'Glowing Edges.' Move the 'Edge Width' slider bar all the way to the left and the 'Edge Brightness' slider bar all the way to the right, then click 'OK.' This renders that part of the image as if it is a neon glowing sign, picking up any little edges and brightness.Click back to the 'Background' layer again, then click the 'Paint Bucket' tool on the 'Tools' palette. Double-click the top square of the 'Color Picker,' which is the two overlapping colored boxes.

Choose a background color, such as blue similar to a blue screen for special effects, then click 'OK.' Click the paint bucket onto the picture, which then fills with the color, but doesn't fill over the top of the two areas you outlined and copied, providing a backdrop. Was this answer helpful? Related Questions Q:A: Go to Browse for the photo that you want to put a picture frame around and add to your MySpace page.

Upload the pho. Q:A: Search online for 'free picture frames' or 'free photo frames.' Check out the list or go to Register for an acco. Q:A: Visit Caricaturesoft to download the shareware program. Click the 'Setup' file on your computer, and while software installs. Find the new. Q:A:Using Adobe Photoshop Open Adobe Photoshop on your computer.

Click 'File' then 'Open.' Select the photo you want to open. Click the 'Cro. Q:A: Open a new canvas by selecting 'File,' then 'New.' Choose a height of 100 pixels and a width of 300 pixels and click 'OK.'

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The photo-to-cartoon effect is one of our favourite Photoshop effects and it's surprisingly easy to achieve. In this tutorial we'll show you how to turn photos to cartoons using an assortment of filters and simple brushwork.Filters that turn your photos into drawings or paintings have been around in Photoshop for years. However, there have always been two problems with them: first, they've been used to death, and second, most of them aren't all that convincing.To get a good result requires more than just slapping a filter over an image - instead you'll need to combine filters with hand-painted brushwork and other Photoshop skills.

What you'll learnIn this tutorial you'll learn how to turn a portrait into a cartoon caricature with the help of a few Photoshop filters and some painting with the Brush tool.We'll begin by creating a sketch of our model, which involves an unusual use for the Gaussian Blur filter. From here we'll use the brush to color in the skin, hair and clothes.Step 1: Convert to sketchOpen your start image - photos work best with quite simple compositions. Hit Cmd/Ctrl + J to duplicate your background layer, then Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + U to desaturate the new layer.After you've done this, hit Cmd/Ctrl + J again to duplicate the new mono layer, then Cmd/Ctrl + I to invert the tones.

Now we need to change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge. Don't worry if the image goes almost completely white. Then go to Filter Blur Gaussian Blur.

Turn Photo Into Painting Photoshop


Set Radius to 8px and hit OK.Step 2: Make lines strongerAt the moment, the lines aren't looking as defined as we'd like. To remedy this, hit Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E to merge the layer with the one below, then Cmd/Ctrl + J to copy it. Set the Blend Mode to Multiply, then copy the layer three times to make the lines stronger. Highlight the top layer, Shift + click the layer above the background and hit Cmd/Ctrl + E to merge all the layers together with the exception of the background layer. Rename the layer Sketch.Step 3: Clean it upChances are that the image needs a bit of tidying up.

To do this, make a new layer, drag it below the sketch layer, then go to Edit Fill Layer. Set Use: White and hit OK. Next highlight the Sketch layer and click the Add Layer Mask icon in the Layers Panel. Grab the Brush tool and set color to black, then paint to tidy up the skin, clothes and hair where necessary.Step 4: Paint in colorsTo finish off, we'll add back some color, but how much you do is down to personal taste.

Transforming A Person Into Cgi Photoshop Free

First up, change the Blend Mode of the Sketch layer to Multiply, then make a new layer and drag it below. Grab the Brush tool and choose a color for the skin, then begin painting. Make more new layers and paint different colors for the hair, eyes, mouth and and whatever else you feel needs it. And you're done.

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