Scp 173 Real Statue

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Item #:Object Class: EuclidLaconic Containment Procedures: Three people are to clean its containment room once every two weeks. One is to mop, two to watch the statue, warning when they blink. At least one person must keep eye contact with the statue.Laconic Description: A statue made of concrete, rebar, and spraypaint that breaks your neck if you break eye contact.

Scp wiki scp 173Real

A mixture of feces and blood appears in its container over time, necessitating cleaning. Its origin is as of yet unknown.Additional Context: SCP-173 was the first SCP ever written, originally posted on 4chan’s /x/ (Paranormal) board in 2007. Because of this, SCP-173 is the only article that will never be edited or updated in an official capacity, to preserve its history as the catalyst that spawned the entire site.While early in its history comparisons were made between SCP-173 and Doctor Who’s, evidence shows that SCP-173 was apparently posted about a month before Blink aired.The image used in SCP-173 is a secondary use of the image of the art piece 'Untitled 2004', which was created. The concept of SCP-173 does not have any relationship with the artist's original concept of 'Untitled 2004'. Through an agreement with the artist, the SCP Foundation wiki has limited permission to use the 173 image on its site; however, this also comes with the requirement of the out-of-universe note at the bottom of SCP-173’s page, and the fact that the SCP Foundation may never use the SCP-173 image for profit.


What Is Scp 173

This mod replaces SCP-173's model with a weeping angel from the popular British Sci-Fi TV show Doctor Who.Please note the models are not mine and I will take the mod down as per request of the original creator if need be. All credit for the original gmod models go to: MR. Blue, TheSuperEpicGamer, DarthTealc and The Pink.Note you can find them here:Mr. Blue:TheSuperEpicGamer:DarthTealc:Edit: I am taking a look at some bugs with the model size so let me know if there are any issues!I am also looking into varying models so they can change from covering the face, pointing at the player and angry/feral depending on player range and maybe other factors to try and switch it up.:D.

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