Arma 3 Knife Mod
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I would like to know if there are some mods that change AI bots to act more 'human'. I don’t disagree. Try the take cover (or find cover) command. Not at home but I believe it’s in the 1 menu after selecting your units. It’s not perfect but at least you get the sense your AI are trying their best (with the game’s limitations) to not get killed within 5 seconds by charging the enemy threat.I also like separating larger groups by team color, so I can command half to do one thing (example, flank the other side, or have them advance in a vehicle with a mounted gun) while the other half stay with me. You can assign teams by selecting the units you want on a team, selecting the team option in the menu, then selecting a color.
So let’s say you make F2-F6 red team and F7-F10 green team. Using shift + F1 will command the red team only, and using shift + F2 will command the green team only.I also force them to go prone a lot too if we’re getting pounded. I believe this is in the 7 menu after selecting your units.Hold fire is a great command too if you don’t want them exposing your presence too early.For AI Accuracy, I drop skill and precision from the defaults to.60 and.20 and this does help a bit giving you more of a fighting chance and prolonging battles. AI squads in vanilla for the most part will follow your orders. If you tell them to run into the open in safe mode, they will run out and likely die if they get ambushed. On the contrary, if you set your squad to combat and have them stay low, they are likely to survive the ambush and do effective damage. If you order them to lay down, follow you, tell them to hold fire, point out targets for each AI, let them sit a minute to 'adjust', then tell them to open fire, they are likely to wipe their targets out just like you would normally.I've recently been in a server that uses an AI mod.
This mod essentially takes away from the control aspect of AI and just has the AI do it themselves, pretty nice if you just want to order an AI squad into an enemy and let them handle it, but micro-managing them becomes nearly impossible. While most people prefer the AI mod (Vcom if you wanted to know). I actually dislike it, because now I cannot micromanage my units and instead just have to hope they do it well enough on their own.Spotting mechanics are iffy because some trees and leaves are not counted as vision obstructions, so while you can't see anything, to the AI, you're standing in an open field trying to use an invisible object as cover. If AI skill levels for friendlies and enemies are set to the same value then they should have the same skill.
If your squad seems to be getting wiped out faster than their squad it has to do with the you, the person in charge of the AI.Now if we dive into how the AI behaves and why the enemy AI seem to be more efficient, it is because their squad leader AI is actually issuing orders to their units. Since the AI control menu is rather complicated and inefficient, players tend to do some simple actions instead of manually controlling them for maximum efficiency. These actions consist of setting a global squad formation, status, and stance. Now players unrealistically expect the AI to perform just as effectively as the enemy AI who are receiving much more detailed orders from the squad lead AI including which targets to engage, engagement profile and detailed move orders (which are usually to a point of cover). If a human player did those things as well they would find that the AI is more than competent. However, I don't blame players for not trying to micromanage the AI since the controls for it are absurdly difficult to manage at the rate necessary to be effective.
The other aspect is that even if you do manage to micromanage your AI, occasionally an even match up can result in a loss of your AI units (think two guys rounding a corner into each other and luck deciding who gets who). The end result is a lot of work that ends up in the same consequence as if you did not perform the micromanagement steps anyway.There's a couple of heuristics you can apply to achieve decent AI management without all the troublesome controls:. Making sure AI stick to your movement - set formation to FILE and they will stay on your ass most of the time. Stealth maneuvers - set AI to STEALTH status and make sure they HOLD FIRE, manually change their stance height depending on what is needed. At default COPY MY STANCE, the AI will always be one stance level higher than you unless they are not moving in which case they will prone. Chose ambushes - the AI are most effective when you ambush an enemy squad.
Maneuver your AI using the above two techniques into a position that overwatches the majority of the enemy squad. Set formation to LINE. For each AI unit, designate a target; double up on targets as necessary to make sure they kill it. Set the appropriate stance for the engagement. Set AI to COMBAT.
Order OPEN FIRE and watch them act like the killer AIs they were meant to be. Moving and clearing - for those occasions when you need to move through and clear towns. Note the AI will not do building/room clearing, they might move through a building and will engage any enemies in sight but they won't be methodical. Set AI to either a tight FILE formation, or spread out LINE/WEDGE formation.
Set AI combat profile to ENGAGE AT WILL. Set AI status to COMBAT. Start walking through town doing what you need to do and the AI should start engaging whatever targets they can and act to hunt them down if possible.
Be aware that when they lose sight of enemy units they will try to reacquire but may not take the smartest route possible. Moving in the open in safe areas - set the AI to either LINE or FILE formation which should keep them relatively close behind you. Moving in the open in possibly dangerous areas - set the AI to LINE or WEDGE formation so that you have the maximum spread for spotting enemies as well as for later engagements. On contact if they haven't already gone into COMBAT mode, make sure to set that. Yeah this is right which is why I only recommend it for clearing towns and such. In CQB environments having the AI follow you around closely is of little help since they usually won't path find exactly the way you moved.
What ends up happening is that they end up getting into some sort of combat just around the corner from you but instead of actively engaging to eliminate the target, they are split between trying to follow the formation which is now broken up between multiple buildings and walls and shooting the current enemy. With ENGAGE AT WILL they will at least attempt to eliminate enemies as a priority. If you are confident in your own skills, I personally would recommend leaving them in areas behind you with a TAKE COVER command while you proceed to clear a few buildings/corners ahead and then move the AI up to your current position with a FILE formation and REGROUP command; rinse repeat and clear out the town/base/etc. Just got this game 2 weeks agoThere's part of your problem, you're just not used to them. Arma's AI is actually really quite good given the breadth and depth of the problem they're being asked to solve. They are by no means perfect but they will surprise you with their cunning and make for very worthy foes. Their senses are very acute, quite comparable to a human in many aspects when the AI difficulty settings are cranked.
Their vision is more sensitive to motion just like a human's, which is part of what allows them to pick you out if they spot you moving behind plants. If they lose sight of you, they remember where you were last and predict where you're moving, which might make you think they can see through stuff. However, they can't actually magically see through foliage (on stock maps, mod maps aren't as consistent), so if you got shot that means they probably did have direct line of sight at some point, even if it was just to your legs. Their hearing is realistically sharp, and the only way they won't hear you is if you move at the slowest possible walk.
This actually makes them one of the most realistic adversaries I've ever seen when it comes to stealth in games. You can't run around them carelessly without them knowing like in most stealth-centric video games, you have to treat them like real people. The stealth in this game has the potential to be incredibly intense and realistic because of it.Know the difference between cover and concealment: concealment simply hides you from the enemy (such as grass or bushes), cover stops bullets (trees, rocks).Micromanaging your own squad is indeed kind of annoying but you'll learn to deal with it. I usually set their behavior to stealth so that they lie down when stopping and take cover whenever possible. Commanding is difficult, don't blame it entirely on the AI squadmates. They can be very powerful it used correctly.And lastly, someone already mentioned this but I want to reiterate that an AK-47 is no joke.
It might get painted as a poor man's AR in hollywood but it's a very effective and powerful weapon especially under 200 meters, and it fires a big round. Let me put it this way, there's a reason they've been used with devastating effect since their conception in 1948. As far as I can tell, friendly AI in Arma 3 can be problematic not because it's bad, but because of the human aspect involved. An AI squad leader can issue commands to his subordinates instantly, telling them where to take cover, who to shoot, etc. The player, on the other hand, has to dig through the rather clunky command menu to do that. I also find that players expect the AI to react to situations just like a human, but the AI in this game depends quite a lot on it being commanded what to do.
Mods For Arma 3
Perhaps this is for optimisation reasons, because we all have to admit how complex the AI in this game is compared to others, since it has to be able to do everything a human player can.TL; DR: The campaign emphasises guerilla warfare for a reason, because that's where you as a squad leader commanding AI can be the most effective. So prefer to issue all commands to your squad before you engage the enemy.