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. 6 AnswersSOURCE:The author is incorrect regarding all of the uses of the HASP software/drivers. In the case of the sewing/design software being at issue with this person, she is dealing with a HASP hardware dongle which is the license control mechanism of a software product which absolutely.MUST. be installed on the personal computer or they cannot use the software.
At all times, when the software is used, the hardware key and the HASP software must be running and the HASP license manager must be running as a service under services.mscFor quiltinmama:I have been struggling with this issue for my mother as well and have not come up with a final solution but I believe ours is one of damaged dongle or erroneous registry entries. I suggest the following actions:1) lauch services.msc (click Start - Run - and type services.msc in the box) and look down the list for HASPLM?EXE (I don't recall the full name). Verify that it is set to start automatically (right click on the item, choose properties, set 'Startup Type' to automatic.2. If you are using Windows Firewall, you need to add exceptions to the firewall: Control Panel - Windows Firewall - Click the 'Exceptions' tab at the top.You will need to add an exception for some of the 4D software applications. Now, I don't know which ones actually talk to the HASP, so what I suggest is: Click Add to create a new exception, and then click the 'Browse' button to the lower right. Navigate to c:4d embroider (assuming you have the default directory) and then select the first 4D.exe you find on the list, and click done.
As I recall, there are 4 of these apps and you need to do this for each of them. Down the road, if any of the other parts of the software suite fail because they can't communicate, come back here and add the.exe to the exception list.Next, you need to exempt certain TCP/IP ports from the control of the Windows Firewall. If you download and install the firmware update from Husqvarna's site which they say is included in the 8.1 up.