Sith Academy Kotor 2

Upon entering the Sith Academy on Korriban (1. Planet after Telos) i get no Message that im locked in whatsoever. Trying to leave: Door opens, behind only gray untrespassable texture.Went around the Acadamy more than once looking for any of the Terminals: NONE.All the Doors are open.I hope someone could help me with this.

Kotor 2 Sith Academy Puzzles
Being stuck after my first attempt to actually play the game tilts the ♥♥♥♥ outta me.Specs:OSWindows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1CPUIntel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66GHz49 °CYorkfield 45nm TechnologieRAM4,00GB Dual Kanal DDR2 @ 399MHz (5-5-5-18)MotherboardGigabyte Technology Co. G41M-ES2L (Socket 775)42 °CGrafikS1931 (1280x1024@60Hz)Intel G41 Express Chipset (Gigabyte)Got the Game up and running, had no complains or game breaking bugs so far.ty for your time.Evo.
Okay this is easy. Just one second I tend to write down everything I figure out in a notebook makes for good story writing.:) Ah. Here we want the Maticulation answers, right?Get the data pad from the dead corpse then enter new recruit on computer terminal. Go downhallway till you find another computer in a room then type in 3401726-b853s5o0x001Capitalize the 3 letters in code.I undercased so you could tell that two weren'tnumbers.

Kotor 2 Sith Test Answers
This is for the level one test. The answer the following.1. Freedom Nad2. I always lie.5.
Kotor 2 Korriban Quiz
P.ion, strength, power and victory. Posted: jan 04, 2008 8:50 am.