How To Add Network Drive To Sql Server
Hello All,Sometime back, I have written blog post on ‘Backing-up SQL Server Database on a network shared drive’. This can be found. I have received numerous queries on an another related topic i.e.
‘How to Create a SQL Server Database on a network shared drive’. It took sometime (a brand new SQL Release) before I could get the answer as follow:1.
Create a database on Network Share in SQL Server 2008 / SQL Server 2005In SQL 2008 and SQL 2005, By default, you cannot create a new database on a network share drive.This restriction is primarily due to fact that, On a network file share, there is always a risk on network errors compromising database integrity, along with I/O performance issues which might partial or total data loss or corruption. Reference Microsoft KB #However, there’s a “workaround”, if in case you still want to go ahead. Follow below steps:Step 1. Enable the Trace Flag 1807: (Bypasses the check and allows you to configure SQL Server with network-based database files)DBCC TRACEON(1807, -1)Step 2.
Identify a file share, where SQL Server Service start-up account has FULL accessStep 3. Create the databaseCREATE DATABASE networked ON PRIMARY( NAME = N'networked', FILENAME = N'varund-win7ATOMNETWORKDBnetworked.mdf', SIZE = 3072KB, MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )LOG ON( NAME = N'networkedlog', FILENAME = N'varund-win7ATOMNETWORKDBnetworkedlog.ldf', SIZE = 1024KB, MAXSIZE = 2048GB, FILEGROWTH = 10%)GO2. Create a database on Network Share in SQL Server 2008R2Starting SQL Server 2008R2, you are now allowed to cerate database on network file share (UNC path), without the need to Trace 1807Step 1. Identify a file share, where SQL Server 2008R2 Service start-up account has FULL accessStep 2. Create the databaseCREATE DATABASE networkedr2 ON PRIMARY( NAME = N'networkedr2', FILENAME = N'varund-win7ATOMNETWORKDBnetworkedr2.mdf', SIZE = 3072KB, MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )LOG ON( NAME = N'networkedr2log', FILENAME = N'varund-win7ATOMNETWORKDBnetworkedlogr2.ldf', SIZE = 1024KB, MAXSIZE = 2048GB, FILEGROWTH = 10%)GOWhile the above options will surely help you to manage space used by database file across your networked servers, please be aware of the risk involved (as I discussed above).
Once such known issue has been discussed in this CSS. It is therefore advised to run that ships with SQL Server 2008 R2, this has now been updated to allow testing against a UNC locations.Microsoft recommends that you store database files either on Local Disk or on Storage Area Networks (SANs).Enjoy and Thanks of reading!Disclaimer: I work at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved by Microsoft before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.
Map or create a shortcut link to the shared folder is called Map Network Drive. The easy way to access to a shared folders through network is using Map Network Drive. We can create it using windows file explorer or using command line in a single system. But in an enterprise network, the Map Network Drive should deploy through group policy from Windows Server and domain controller.

Create a Map Network Drive Using File ExplorerThe first step to do the task, open the My Computer then click the computer tab and click Map Network Drive. Map Network Drive2. Now specify a drive letter and type the location of shared folder or browse to find the shared folders. And finally click Finish to apply changes. Specify the Drive Letter and Shared File Location3.
How To Add Network Drive To Sql Server Windows 10
In this step I have created a network drive in Windows 10 from a shared folder ( NetData) of Windows Server 2012 R2 which named DC1. A Shortcut drive to shared folderThis is the result, a short way to access the network shared folder to Windows Server.So try to create a network drive using command line which mostly need in the CLI environment. Creating Network Drive Using Command lineFor creating network drive with command line, simply create with “ net use” cmd command. It works from both interface PowerShell and Command Prompt. Net Use Command lineTo create the a shortcut drive for the same folder type “ Net use Y: dc1netdata” then press enter.The Net use is the command and Y: is the drive letter and DC1 is the Windows Server name and netdata is the share folder. How to Create Network Drive Using Group Policy?
The most important for deploying network drive for all clients in the large network is difficult to create them manually. So try to do it through group policy form domain controller.1. In Windows Server domain controller, open the Group Policy Management from Server manager dashboard or type “ gpmc.msc” to the Run.2.
How To Map Network Drive In Sql Server 2012
Create a GPO in Group Policy Management, named something related to network drive then right click and click edit. Network Map Drive3. Go to User Configuration, Preferences, Windows Settings and select Drive Maps. On the drive maps right click the Drive Maps and select New, new Mapped Drive.
On the New Drive Properties page, from the Action select Create, from Location type the location of shared folder, type a name for label also, select Drive letter, and select Show this drive then click OK to create the drive. New Drive Properties5.
Here is the created network drive from group policy. Now try to test it from Windows 10 and other clients computer. New Drive Maps6. Close all page and update the group policy with “ gpupdate /force” command and see the the network drive should be visible after executing the command. Network FilesThat’s all you need to know about creating network map drives in Windows using graphical, through command line and deploying from group policy management.Hope this article would be helpful for you and solve your problems with map drives.Related Search to Map Network Drive in Windows 10:Map network drive windows 8.Map network drive windows 7.Windows 10 map network drive not working.Create network drive.Map network drive cmd.Can’t map network drive windows 10.Unmap network drive windows 10.Windows 10 map network drive missing.Remove mapped network drive.