Arma 3 Ravage Scenarios

Arma 3 Ravage Sp Missions
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To expand on this for the unfamiliar: Antistasi is a scenario in which you have to build an insurgency from a guy with a box of AKs to an army that can retake Altis from a very entrenched AAF.It can be played solo or co-op with friends, and the mod creators have a dedicated server that runs 24/7. What sets AS apart from other dynamic scenarios other than it's excellent theming, is how dynamic and alive the world feels. Where a lot of dynamic scenarios spawn passive enemies for you to go attack, the world in AS often comes to you.

I'm grateful for the shameless plug, since I watched the first episode last night then couldn't remember what to search for to find the next one. Thought it was funny how you almost immediately got yourself neck-deep in a bad situation due to an enemy dog: When Recon Goes Wrong.Thirding the praise for Antistasi. I've been planning how I'm going to capture territory without sacrificing too many men for weeks now - outside the game. In-game I'm just doing minor hit and runs to get my troops some decent equipment in preparation. Even the slow build-up is super absorbing.