Solid Project Not Showing Up In Mcm

Posted on  by  admin
  1. Lazarus Project New Vegas
Lazarus project new vegas

I can't see any reason from the load order that other mods wouldn't show up in MCM. I did however notice that you are using ALL of the Live Dismemberment mods at the same time, which you should not do as they just overwrite eachother. I also noticed that you have some.esm's way down in your load order, I highly recommend sorting with LOOT at the very least.

Solid project not showing up in mcminnville

Since you are using Mod Organizer you can just hit the sort button at the top of the plugin list but basically as a general rule of thumb all esm should come BEFORE any esp.Also your official DLC files should be in this order, sorting the order with LOOT should fix it automatically though:Fallout4.esmDLCRobot.esmDLCworkshop01.esmDLCCoast.esmDLCworkshop02.esmDLCworkshop03.esmDLCNukaWorld.esmDLCUltraHighResolution.esmHappy modding, hope this helps. Copy/past from MCM stiky post:The trouble with Mod Organizer 2 is that it stops mods generating new files. This is what is stopping settings being saved once people get the mods recognized by MCM.Step 1:Move the MCM folder from ModOrg 2Fallout 4ModstoFallout 4 DataStep 2:Copy the name of the mods ESP file e.g. MCMDemo.esp or QuickTrade.espGo to Fallout 4 DataMCM and generate a folder labeled 'Settings' if needed.Inside the Settings folder right click and make a new txt file.Rename file to the name of the ESP file and change file extension to 'ini' e.g. MCMDemo.ini or QuickTrade.iniThat's it. The mod will now appear in the MCM menu and settings will be persistent.Also of note, a file called 'Keybinds.json' may appear inside some folders in your Overwrite folder in Mod Organizer 2. This is where the keybindings are stored.


Lazarus Project New Vegas

You can leave it there or move it to the appropriate location inside Fallout 4 DataMCMSettings.Suggestion to mod authors.Please add an appropriately named ini file inside the Settings folder for us MO2 users.

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