How To Use Fomm

So from reading the mod author's last notes, it seems that Fallout New Vegas Archive Invalidation Invalidated a) is no longer supported by the creator and no longer works with the latest official patch.comments in the forum at the nexus site seem to indicate that the built-in invalidation feature in Nexus Mod Manager also doesn't work.Step 3 in NMC's texture pack states that this step is required:' 3) IMPORTANT: Activate 'archive invalidation invalidated' so the new files show up in game. (Also, if you are overwriting a previously installed, different sized pack, THEN TOGGLE ARCHIVE INVALIDATION INVALIDATED OFF, THEN BACK ON AGAIN or the new textures may not show up)You can activate this in the Fallout Mod Manager Mod (FOMM)or by using the Archive Invalidation Invalidated mod:'I am unable to get FOMM to run at all (crashes immediately upon startup), so it looks like I need the Archive Invalidation Invalidated mod.Can someone explain how to accomplish this step?
Thanks.I have the latest version of Nexus Mod Manager (.15.8) installed.Posts: 3420 Joined: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:25 am. I use the FO3 version, but someone did one for New Vegas later on.
I don't know if it works the same as I haven't used it. But, just download the file and follow his instructions on the page - time you add a new texture to the game you don't need to 'toggle' anything. It does it automatically. Somehow I also don't use FOMM's archive invalidation and don't need to because of this way.Posts: 3392 Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:57 amDisplay posts from previous: Sort.
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Please note that Mod Organizer does not support 64bit binaries!' The proposed fix is to turn off internal installer, but I can't find that in the plugin settings for MO.EDIT: Meh, I'm running FOMM stand-alone. If anyone can help me out with this, I'd be grateful though.Question 2 - What's up with the FNVEdit color filters? I have no idea what the colors mean:IEDIT: They're on the 'information' box on the bottom right of FNVEdit.Question 3 - The Wrye Flash Mopy folder should be in the NV directory, right? What about the other folders?EDIT: Meh, who needs Wrye Flash when you have LOOT, FNVEdit and Mod Organizer? Even though I figured it out, I just removed it.Question 4 - I can't run the 4GB launcher through Mod Organizer. It says 'failed to write memory of child process'.EDIT: Had to put '-laaexe.FalloutNV.exe' as an argument for it to run.Question 5 - Is there any way to run Fallout New Vegas with all it's MO mods directly through Steam?EDIT: Hopefully I can help whoever is trying to do this, too.Question 6 - When should I merge my plugins?
Which ones go best with which?. Question 1 - FOMM will absolutely not work through Mod Organizer, it's getting me this error message: 'Errorfailed to inject dll into 'fomm.exe': failed to access thread context. Please note that Mod Organizer does not support 64bit binaries!' The proposed fix is to turn off internal installer, but I can't find that in the plugin settings for MO.Not sure on this one.maybe under the Settings - Plugins tab?Question 2 - What's up with the FNVEdit color filters? I have no idea what the colors mean:I?Question 3 - The Wrye Flash Mopy folder should be in the NV directory, right?
Fomm Fallout 4
What about the other folders?The installer will place the folders where they need to go. Mopy in the main directory, yes.Question 4 - I can't run the 4GB launcher through Mod Organizer. It says 'failed to write memory of child process'.Unsure on this as wellQuestion 5 - Is there any way to run Fallout New Vegas with all it's MO mods directly through Steam?Not that I know of. Not sure on this one.maybe under the Settings - Plugins tab?Nope, not there.?Thanks, but I figured it out. It was on the 'information' tab on FNVEdit.The installer will place the folders where they need to go.
How To Use Command Blocks
Mopy in the main directory, yes.Yep, thanks! I did a manual installation, but it's working fine.I'm kinda regretting going through all this crap with Mod Organizer. I miss the simplicity of FOMM:( I'm thinking that after I'm done with setting things up, I'll simply mash all the folders in the 'mods' directory of Mod Organizer together, put them into F:NV and delete Mod Organizer altogether.