Grim Dawn Stash Editor
Welcome to SoulSeekkor's TQ Defiler website! June 29th 2014 New TQ Defiler.NET 1.3.9 released!
Mailer/Reporting tool now works again!July 8th 2012 New TQ Defiler.NET 1.3.7 released! New TQ Vault posted! Updated various links.April 17th 2012Want to help make Grim Dawn the greatest game it can be? Please consider contributing via Kickstarter. Current pre-orders also give credit towards higher tiers, and there are some nice rewards!June 18th 2011Letting everyone know I'm still alive and kicking!
Currently attending summer classes which are keeping me very busy, along with life's other challenges. Rest assured I have plans for Grim Dawn and hopefully here soon a return to TQ Defiler as well. In the meantime, I hope you are all enjoying your time with Titan Quest!
SoulOctober 22nd 2010Just a quick update, a few people may have noticed since school has started my computer time (and anything on a computer) has pretty much dropped to zilch aside from when I'm doing homework.for now obviously school will take priority, I'll try to squeeze time in when I can to get things caught up and check reports and emails, but it'll be tough right now. Apologizing ahead of time!
SoulMarch 24th 2010.FANS PLEASE READ!. Haven't heard of Titan Quest's spirtual successor yet? Click to go to!
Former Iron Lore Lead Designer and others have formed Crate Entertainment, and currently have a Titan Quest engine-based game in development that's looking great so far! The website also has its own forums where the TQ community and game creators post, so dive in!This is the home of SoulSeekkor’s TQ Defiler and TQ Portable.not much right now but I’ll work on it as time comes to me! This program is designed for all versions of Titan Quest and Immortal Throne (including versions 1.01, 1.08, 1.11, 1.15, 1.20, and 1.30 of Titan Quest and version 1.10 of Immortal Throne). It can be used for many purposes including character editing or testing and for many built-in game modifications including infinite potion stacking and relics in uniques among many others.6/29/14 TQ Defiler.NET 1.3.9 released!1.3.9Minor fixes.1.3.8Minor fixes, mailer/reporting tool works again.1.3.7Minor changes.1.3.4Patcher fixes and Bman's 'Show All Damage' mod for IT fixed.1.3.3Many fixes, including to the auto-backup feature and fix all caravan files feature.
Also added a new fix mod by The Lord of Space, 'Slow Cast Bug Fix' fixes casting slowdown issues caused by the game incorrectly updating animation times.1.3.2/1.3.1/1.3.0This version has a number of fixes done from errors that were reported, thanks to those who took the time to submit an error report!1.2.9This version has had every function in the Defiler's source revamped to use the new reporting tool, other various improvements have been made.1.2.8Made adjustments to Raven's mods (TQ/IT) to fix the limit of 50 issue. Also added a new Mailer Tool to the program, used both for instantly emailing me comments or suggestions as well as automatic bug reporting. This can be found via the 'Mailer Tool.' Menu.1.2.7Various fixes as well as a new mod added.1.2.6Various fixes and addition of the inventory tab for testing purposes.1.2.5Various changes.1.2.4Changing skills levels were only making changes to memory, not to the save, this has been fixed.1.2.3Added EJFudd's random number generator fix to the Defiler (as a mod) for IT. Fixes loot drop issues due to issues with the game's RNG function.
Also included Rick's fix for those who get socket error messages when refreshing the multiplayer games list.1.2.2Fixed issues with removal and restoration of the Dream mastery as well as any other skills using expansion database records.7/4/09 TQ Defiler 3.4.5 has been permanently removed.The time has come to completely remove any further support for the old TQ Defiler 3.4.5. This program has been outdated for an extremely long time, hasn't been updated and falls short of the newest TQ Defiler.NET in so many ways (not to mention the toolset used to create the program isn't even supported anymore). I'll still answer questions for those who have them with the program, but for many those problems can be solved by downloading the.NET version and your response will be 'Please download the latest Defiler.NET.' , you have been warned! I'm on the verge of releasing TQ Defiler.NET 1.0.6, I probably won't be able to wait for the last piece I wanted to include, so it'll be coming soon after some TQ Vault testing.Immortal Throne Community Fanpatch 1.17a released!This community created patch fixes many of the known bugs found within Titan Quest (Immortal Throne only!). Highly recommended if you love TQ.:) Can be found on the downloads page!TQ Vault 2.20 just released!Many updates and fixes for functionality, copy/move tabs and more! Check the downloads page!TQ Portable.NET 1.1 released!Fixes similar issues with D2D/Steam versions of Titan Quest causing overflow errors with the mods most recently fixed in the latest Defiler.NET.
Also includes a new setup version, when using this remember to install directly to the game's folder! If you wish to use it with both IT and regular TQ you'll need to install again or copy the program and Interop.Scripting.dll file to the other game folder.
Not Defiler, the trainer program they were discussing.Edit: is Defiler fully functioning? Cause previous threads pointing to trainers have been deleted or edited.It allowed viewing character infos in the past before the encryption but not editing them.BTW: Trainers are, as storm already said, not like the defiler. The defiler (would) change the save file /binary files of the game while a trainer changes a specific part in the memory of the running game to change a value that will get saved by the game, so there is no need to go for the encryption. It allowed viewing character infos in the past before the encryption but not editing them.BTW: Trainers are, as storm already said, not like the defiler. The defiler (would) change the save file /binary files of the game while a trainer changes a specific part in the memory of the running game to change a value that will get saved by the game, so there is no need to go for the encryption.Thanks Elfe. I didn't think defiler was a trainer.Upon reading my comment, I could see how it might be construed wrongly.The point I was trying to make is that discussions with specific links to trainers had been deleted or edited, and that I didn't want this thread to get derailed for discussing those particular issues.Cheers! For all practices defiler has no distinct difference compared to a trainer, except for the 'mods' part.In TQ defiler, when you alt tabbed out of the game and edited your money or whatever, then got back in the game, you didn't have to re-log or anything, your money was simply changed, it might be a different method of achieving the means, but it had no practical difference for this use case.Its not like defiler is allowed and trainers are not, they encrypted files (and later stash files, because people started playing with them too) among other things, its clearly not welcome.
Both trailers and save-game modifiers are not allowed to run wild, at least not here.But here we can discuss defiler, therefore, we should be able to discuss trainers, as long as we aren't sharing anything solid.We are basically discussing how to get what people want defiler for, without the defiler, since it doesn't exist.And so it goes ^^. For all practices defiler has no distinct difference compared to a trainer, except for the 'mods' part.But here we can discuss defiler, therefore, we should be able to discuss trainers, as long as we aren't sharing anything solid.Agreed. I don't have a problem with trainers, just the posts that were discussing a particular trainer and how to get one. My concern being that links will be provided and then the thread gets shut down or edited. Plus, this is about GD Defiler, not a trainer.If the discussion is about features that people would like to be seen in GD Defiler, and trainers are mentioned because they have a feature that people feel would be nice, then by all means discuss it.Just to re-iterate, my concern was that the thread started talking about using a trainer in the current game to modify the character file, and the devs have been clear they don't want that because it causes problems when people file bug reports on modified character files. Basically that's where I saw the thread going.Hopefully that makes things a bit more clearer.:).
For all practices defiler has no distinct difference compared to a trainer, except for the 'mods' part.Uhm, no.What the defiler did is just changing the save file and changing some of the stuff in it during the game runs was possible because it would sometimes read in the save file when you open your inventory. That's also why it tells you it could corrupt your save file if you edit it while the game runs.The defiler does absolutelly nothing have to do with trainers.Edit: BTW I just tested it.
The gold amount can not be changed using the defiler while the game runs (in tqit). It's possible to update the stash as it will be read every time it gets opened, but not the inventory/player save file. At some points in the game it will be reloaded and you might have caught such one but if you do nothing except staying around it won't work. Uhm, no.What the defiler did is just changing the save file and changing some of the stuff in it during the game runs was possible because it would sometimes read in the save file when you open your inventory. That's also why it tells you it could corrupt your save file if you edit it while the game runs.The defiler does absolutelly nothing have to do with trainers.Sure it doesn't fit the technical definition exactly, point is you could use a trainer to edit your memory or a save-game editor to edit your files, it doesn't matter as long as they achieve the same effect.
Arguing the definition is missing the point.Except for the mods part, it has no practical difference compared to a trainer. Sure, there might be a small difference, but it doesn't really matter when I want to edit my money. I couldn't care less if you modified the memory or the files.
Like people come here to learn how to change 'x' about their character, they don't care if it edits the memory or the save file, both discussions still serve the same purpose.Edit: BTW I just tested it. The gold amount can not be changed using the defiler while the game runs (in tqit). It's possible to update the stash as it will be read every time it gets opened, but not the inventory/player save file. At some points in the game it will be reloaded and you might have caught such one but if you do nothing except staying around it won't work.Did you do your test by editing your gold then clicking on a shop?
Thats what I was doing. Close the inventory screen so you are just having the game with no windows open on it, use defiler to change money, go back to game, click on a shop. I did this so many times I am pretty sure it works, it would be pretty weird it doesn't, please try this. Maybe you edited your gold amount while having the inventory open so when you closed the window the game just saved the old gold amount again?
Sure it doesn't fit the technical definition exactly, point is you could use a trainer to edit your memory or a save-game editor to edit your files, it doesn't matter as long as they achieve the same effect. Arguing the definition is missing the point.Except for the mods part, it has no practical difference compared to a trainer. Sure, there might be a small difference, but it doesn't really matter when I want to edit my money. I couldn't care less if you modified the memory or the files.
Like people come here to learn how to change 'x' about their character, they don't care if it edits the memory or the save file, both discussions still serve the same purpose.Well than I'm speaking from the technical aspect. For the user of such a tool it makes no difference, of course.
For the person who makes the tool it does a lot.Did you do your test by editing your gold then clicking on a shop? Thats what I was doing. Close the inventory screen so you are just having the game with no windows open on it, use defiler to change money, go back to game, click on a shop. I did this so many times I am pretty sure it works, it would be pretty weird it doesn't, please try this. Maybe you edited your gold amount while having the inventory open so when you closed the window the game just saved the old gold amount again?I tested it correctly with closed inventory. It could be that clicking the shop reloads the save file but if you do nothing except staying around it does not work, just as I said.
This thread is getting hosed, but I figure Soul will just make a new thread when the game releases and defiler becomes a reality. Anyway, not shutting down this discussion as long as it remains theoretical.Sounds good to me. This thread is ancient anyway and I have a tough time keeping on with it as none of the forum notifications work and I don't get emails when people reply to stuff or send me messages.:pAs I'm sure many of you can't wait, I can't either for when Grim Dawn is officially released and the modding community can go to town on it.the things that will be created I'm sure will blow away anything that was ever made for Titan Quest.and yes, GD Defiler is NOT a trainer in any technical sense. Trainers are memory editing programs, of which the GD Defiler is most definitely not. TQ Defiler blurs this slightly as it.could. temporarily patch vanilla TQ in memory just so that edited characters would show up, but that was about it.Of course both do much more than just modifying a save file.:) And given enough time once the format is open again, I have much bigger plans for GD Defiler from a social aspect and the community.Anyway.continue with your discussion.;):rolleyes:Soul. If I came here looking for a way to add any item in the game to my player inventory did I come to the right place or do I need to look somewhere else.Hi darthsarn!As the others have stated the GD Defiler (as well as TQ Defiler) aren't really Vault or storage tools, not that I'll rule out that possibility with the GD Defiler in the future.Work will begin again shortly on the GD Defiler, I'm still here creeping in the shadows lol, I'll post more in the upcoming weeks as I start up development again.Soul.
Not sure why but way back i had titans quest on dvd rom it worked soul defiler worked also the mod with the sharable chest i forgot what it was called. Either way it all worked. I recently bought the steam digital version and it simply wouldnt work with it either that or i dont know how to make it work even started a new character. Maybe because now i have windows 10?
Dont know if that should be a problemAre the files in the right place? TQ on Steam puts them in the Steam folder iirc. Have you set the program compatibility for TQ properly? Do you have a MyGames folder with Win10, I've seen people say it doesn't and you may need to make one. Do you have DirectX 9.0c installed? Some games don't like the newer versions.
Are the files in the right place? TQ on Steam puts them in the Steam folder iirc.
Have you set the program compatibility for TQ properly? Do you have a MyGames folder with Win10, I've seen people say it doesn't and you may need to make one. Do you have DirectX 9.0c installed? Some games don't like the newer installed whatever directx it needed dont remember the details. I got bored of the game and uninstalled of course i could always reinstall it.
The game itself worked only the mods didnt. I mean it was great back in the day compared to modern games even compared to grim dawn tq is kinda dated. But every once in a while i get nostalgic. Online / offline, no. Steam cloud save vs local, most likely.I took a very brief look and some of the API requires a vendor ID. I have not checked what functions in the API I actually would need, but I find it likely that those need a vendor ID as well, otherwise anyone could access the save files.

The vendor ID would ensure that no one but Crate can access the GD saves, which sounds like a reasonable safety precaution for the API to have.This would also restrict editors however (and even if theoretically possible, this does not mean that editors bother with supporting the Steam API), so your safest bet is to store the saves locally. I hope this tool is not allowed in any way. If you want to try out a build go level like its supposed to. Isn't this cheating?
I remember using it on TQ but the game was already old. Don't ruin this one.Oi. Didn't think this one thru did ya?Step 1. Take a look at the sub-forum this thread resides in and the types of threads that populate it, closely mind you, while also keeping in mind we are on the official forums.Step 2. Look at the date this thread was created. Notice that it's still here?Step 3.
Using information gleaned from the first two steps what do you think is the likelihood of whether or not it will be 'allowed'?Step 4. Ask yourself what difference does it make if a game is already 'old' or not when it comes down to your desire to cheat. Are you somehow cheating 'less' if a game is 'old'?Do you have trouble sleeping at night knowing that you and people like you that insisted on using Defiler are essentially the ones that supposedly 'ruined' TQ. Shame on you.Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk. Didn't think this one thru did ya?Step 1. Take a look at the sub-forum this thread resides in and the types of threads that populate it, closely mind you, while also keeping in mind we are on the official forums.Step 2.
Look at the date this thread was created. Notice that it's still here?Step 3. Using information gleaned from the first two steps what do you think is the likelihood of whether or not it will be 'allowed'?Step 4. Ask yourself what difference does it make if a game is already 'old' or not when it comes down to your desire to cheat. Are you somehow cheating 'less' if a game is 'old'?Do you have trouble sleeping at night knowing that you and people like you that insisted on using Defiler are essentially the ones that supposedly 'ruined' TQ. Shame on you.Sent from my SCH-I605 using TapatalkSilence Heretic! Your simple logic will not stand in the way of our hypocritical.
Grim Dawn Stash Editor V1 2b
Holy quest to burn this program to the ground, lest it corrupt our souls. To the stake with thee!:p. Look for titan quest defiler for a general idea of what should or could be possible with defiler.I really hope OP will make one for GD again. That tool helped me a lot in my TQ career.Thanks, but that is not an answer for my question.
I played Titan Quest and also used the Defiler for Titan Quest.But this is NOT Titan Quest its Grim Dawn so i'm asking what the Defiler can do FOR Grim Dawn.Should not be a problem to add a description what can be done for GD? Especially when the software installs in such an unsusual way.
Thanks, but that is not an answer for my question. I played Titan Quest and also used the Defiler for Titan Quest.But this is NOT Titan Quest its Grim Dawn so i'm asking what the Defiler can do FOR Grim Dawn.of course it is an answer to your question. It is essentially the same tool by the same guy but for GD.Saying it will be similar to what can be done in TQ Defiler is a pretty good approximation. Anything more than that would have to come from the author, and even then it would not have to be entirely accurate / completeAs the tool is not out, no one knows what exactly it will allow, including the developer as that can change over time he learns more about the save format (or simply finds time to add more stuff).So the answer is either the above or 'nothing' as it currently is not out yet. SoulSeeker mustve been abducted by aliens, i checked his site, his twitter.
He has vanished completely. Thanks, but that is not an answer for my question. I played Titan Quest and also used the Defiler for Titan Quest.But this is NOT Titan Quest its Grim Dawn so i'm asking what the Defiler can do FOR Grim Dawn.Should not be a problem to add a description what can be done for GD? Especially when the software installs in such an unsusual way.The GD Defiler will be very similar to TQ Defiler, with enhancements.such as child windows for character editing (having multiple characters open for editing). It can currently edit and save TQ characters, the opening/saving of GD has been broken since the file format changed and was encrypted.Today I have it decrypting the first portion of the file so it shouldn't be too terribly long before I have it at least loading characters for display again, with editing to follow. I plan to have this take over both TQ as well as GD eventually.The 'publishes' will go away soon rest assured, it is simply a reliable way to keep people testing builds up to date while the GD Defiler is in alpha status.:)Soul. Yeah the hardcore I noticed has no as well, just haven't had a chance to fix that.:)OK.Could you please email me the player.gdc file for the character that failed to load?
Webmaster@soulseekkor.comThank you!!I'll do it.Probably this, although I'm still curious where it's faulting.:) How 'old' is this character?One year, it was only a test char.Put up 1.0.34, the character level and hardcore status now display in the character selection list for the encrypted GD toons. 1.0.35-First two character tabs now display all available information including attributes and available attribute/skill/devotion points.Also experience, iron, etc.I'll check it afternoon.;). Just posted the following:1.0.39 (4/6/2016)-Fixed exception on loading a character that hasn't been in the game.-Now loads the following blocks: respawns, teleporters, markers, shrines, and skills.-Skills are now displayed and can be selected to view more information about them. More to come on this later.-Available masteries is now displayed.-Skill/devotion points reclaimed is now displayed.Please note that attempting to load a character older than the current Grim Dawn build does cause an exception (typically block version mismatches), this is intentional.the exception after that not so much, I'll take care of that asap.:). Hi,First, thanks for your work. I used few years ago your TQ editor.So i want to remove a few masteries points for one of my hero. But when i try to load the player.gdc file, i have this error:'The following exception occurred while attempting to load the following caracter file:C.Exception:System.Exception: BlockID8 ended on incorrect position!GDDefiler.EncryptedCharFormat.EndBlock(UInt32 iBlockID, Int64 iEndPos)GDDefiler.EncryptedCharFormat.Open (StringCharFileToload, Boolean bPeakMode)GDDefiler.frmGDCharacter.frmGDCharacterLoad (Object sender EventArgs e).'
EDIT:It s very strange. I found on the forum 'blank' heroes (lvl 85 hero without masteries). If i try to load this heroes, i don t have this error.
But after that, it doesn t work very well. I can t edit masteries.
Hi,First, thanks for your work. I used few years ago your TQ editor.So i want to remove a few masteries points for one of my hero. But when i try to load the player.gdc file, i have this error:'The following exception occurred while attempting to load the following caracter file:C.Exception:System.Exception: BlockID8 ended on incorrect position!GDDefiler.EncryptedCharFormat.EndBlock(UInt32 iBlockID, Int64 iEndPos)GDDefiler.EncryptedCharFormat.Open (StringCharFileToload, Boolean bPeakMode)GDDefiler.frmGDCharacter.frmGDCharacterLoad (Object sender EventArgs e).'
EDIT:It s very strange. I found on the forum 'blank' heroes (lvl 85 hero without masteries). If i try to load this heroes, i don t have this error. But after that, it doesn t work very well. I can t edit masteries.Correct, the editing isn't in there quite yet, I just finished fully loading the character file. The next step is the writing of the entire character file, once that is complete I can allow editing again.:)For the first issue, is that an older character file by chance?
Either way could you email the player.gdc file you were having an issue with to I'll take a look tonight if you do.;)Soul. Can we expect the GD Defiler to have some of the same stuff that the TQ version had?
I remember some extra options in the TQ Defiler to do things like increase stat/skill points on level ups, increasing the exp multiplier, and so on. Those were really nice options to have.Not sure if I would want to see those options in Grim Dawn. They fit Titan Quest because enemies were spread pretty far out across vast expansive maps so the leveling process was a lot slower.
In Grim Dawn, you can easily reach level 55 before leaving Normal/Veteran. 1.0.44 (4/13/2016)-GD Defiler is no longer a single-instance application (untested).-Updated difficulty names.-Full editing of riftgates, attributes, available/reclaimed points, skills, character name, etc. (Saving works perfectly but is currently disabled.)At this point pretty much everything that is displayed can be edited (sorry not saved.quite.
yet), including character name, iron, gender, skills (including deleting them along with masteries), any available points, etc.I've had no issues with making changes and saving characters, for the moment I have to have it disabled until I have the backups system in place however. Everything is functional at this point for changing the character short of saving it, please make sure characters load okay and that riftgates look right, etc.Thanks! I open my character in the defiler and put some of my attribute points from physique to spirit in order to equip Empowered Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh then close the defiler. Everything seem very easy and foolproof, but when I start my character, everything is still the same, nothing changes, did i miss anything?? Should I click save before closing the defiler, I would if I could but the save icon is always grey and I can't click on it. Any idea what the problem is?? And sorry for my bad English.
I open my character in the defiler and put some of my attribute points from physique to spirit in order to equip Empowered Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh then close the defiler. Everything seem very easy and foolproof, but when I start my character, everything is still the same, nothing changes, did i miss anything?? Should I click save before closing the defiler, I would if I could but the save icon is always grey and I can't click on it. Any idea what the problem is?? And sorry for my bad English.Saving changes is not yet enabled.You can use GD Stash (for this, it allows saving and some minor editing of chars. Just posted a new build:1.0.45 (4/28/2016)-Enabled saving of changes in the GD Defiler.Yes this includes the saving now, it has become obvious I won't get a chance to get the backup portion in before I go out of state for a couple weeks.Make sure to backup your characters before making changes and saving them!!! I currently don't allow the character name to be changed since it does work 100%, but the fun piece I have to incorporate is that if it is a toon in the game's save folder it also has to rename that folder.otherwise you load the game and the game creates a lvl 1 toon with the same name instead when you go into the game.I'll work on those two things once I'm back.:) Enjoy!
Wow, this defiler is shaping up to be even better than the old! I love the layout of the screens, and the entire 'feel' of the program. Thanks for making it!I've been poking around in it to see what all it offers (I LOVE seeing how many potions I've drunk on each of my characters btw.I haven't seen a way to see it in-game which begs the question.why track data that is not used?).anyway, as I've meandered through the screens I found one tiny bug so far:Bug1.) on the 'Character-Rift Gates' tab, when I FIRST get to that page (before clicking anywhere) the numbers in parenthesis on each of the 3 buttons for viewing difficulty-specific waypoint data seem to be wrong. (I assume they are a total of how many active rifts I have in that difficulty?). These numbers DO update to reflect the CORRECT amount as I go to a different difficulty tab.Tested with two characters who have the following number of activated riftgates per difficulty:Char1: 29/29/2 (shows up originally as 30/30/2)Char2: 28/28/15 (shows up originally as 31/29/15.there aren't even 31 rifts?)A piteous request for a feature addition:Would it be possible to make it so character files not supported by the app are 'greyed out' in the character list panel? Maybe while it's building the list it could peek at the beginning of the character file and if it seems like anything but the supported one it marks them in some obvious way?Will be on a roll of looking over all my characters' 'potions quaffed' stats (to decide which ones need potionholics anonymous classes) then accidentally try to load an old outdated file and get all those error screens:DAgain, great work on this so far, you rock!:D.
Wow, this defiler is shaping up to be even better than the old! I love the layout of the screens, and the entire 'feel' of the program. Thanks for making it!Thanks!:)I've been poking around in it to see what all it offers (I LOVE seeing how many potions I've drunk on each of my characters btw.I haven't seen a way to see it in-game which begs the question.why track data that is not used?).anyway, as I've meandered through the screens I found one tiny bug so far:Bug1.) on the 'Character-Rift Gates' tab, when I FIRST get to that page (before clicking anywhere) the numbers in parenthesis on each of the 3 buttons for viewing difficulty-specific waypoint data seem to be wrong. (I assume they are a total of how many active rifts I have in that difficulty?). Discografias completas download rock and roll. These numbers DO update to reflect the CORRECT amount as I go to a different difficulty tab.Tested with two characters who have the following number of activated riftgates per difficulty:Char1: 29/29/2 (shows up originally as 30/30/2)Char2: 28/28/15 (shows up originally as 31/29/15.there aren't even 31 rifts?)Hmm, I'll take a look at this as soon as I get back! Is this an older character?
It is quite possible that there could be 31 since a rift was removed I believe if memory serves, but either way I'll take care of the count to not include it.:) Thanks!A piteous request for a feature addition:Would it be possible to make it so character files not supported by the app are 'greyed out' in the character list panel? Came here from modding because I want to see how to push the mods further, specifically multi-loading database.arz files.

I was looking for CE and Defiler, to see how they push the boundaries and tweak things. I really want to look inside database.arz files but I'm getting sick of the learning curves here:( (msh is broken, tex is mostly undocumented and requires stupid utility, asset manager pathing, ArchiveTool silent fails and corrupt files, etc) Anyway I came here to learn, but unfortunately I refuse to install.Net 4.5:( I already have 4.0, I used to be a developer for 2.0 and 3.0. Something about hosted apps and.Net bother me but I can't put my finger on it atm. I am unwell and it shows through my whining I'm sure, nice work and good job. How do I open this app and can I pick a different 2nd class with this tool? Thanks a lot, please help!You have to go to the following address:the 'Install' button, afterwards you'll find the GD Defiler shortcut in your start menu. If you are trying to switch masteries, it isn't set up to do that in an automated'll have to remove each skill (including the mastery) and keep track of how many total skill points you had in them, then add that to your available skill points.Obviously back up your character before doing so.:)Soul.
Looks like it is saved in an older format. Load the char in game to update it and then try again.This, it's most likely a toon you haven't played in a while, once you've loaded in the game again you should be good to go.:) Going forward I'll be adding support for newer blocks but I probably won't have the time to add older ones right now. Glad to hear you were a TQ player as well.;)How do I back up my character?You have to go into 'Documents-My Games-Grim Dawn-Save' if memory serves, I don't have something nearby with the game installed right now to check for sure but it should be close to that.copying that character's folder under that save folder or just the player.gdc for that character will suffice.Once it initializes click anywhere on that splash screen to continue.:)Soul. Tested with two characters who have the following number of activated riftgates per difficulty:Char1: 29/29/2 (shows up originally as 30/30/2)Char2: 28/28/15 (shows up originally as 31/29/15.there aren't even 31 rifts?)Could you send these two characters to me for testing please? I believe they have old riftgates which explains why they show up and appear to have more than they actually do (with the current list of riftgates), and also explains when you switch tabs why they update to the correct # (as it is applying them to the list behind the scenes and updating the count). Hi,I am playing Grim Dawn on linux using wine. All I want is to rename a character, but I am unable to install your mod (by no fault of yours, of course).Can you post a brief guide about how one can change the name of a character?
Or a link to a similar guide?The short answer is no.:( The long answer is you have to modify the character name in the file, and the file is encrypted so there isn't really a way to simply rename it via a guide'll have to have someone else with the GD Defiler (or another tool that's capable) do it for you and send you the 'gdc' file back after it's changed (after which you must rename the folder name to match the new character name). How can i change my char experience/name?You can't.yet, I have to code the portion to automate this as there are a number of different cases that must be accounted for if the character name is changed which complicates things. The experience has to have the level match and vice versa, which I don't have the table or formula yet to calculate that so it's currently disabled to prevent goofy characters where it appears that you are gaining no experience because you bumped your toon to lvl80 but have the experience of a lvl2 still.:). I am playing Grim Dawn on linux using wine. Or you use a tool which should work on Linux;)GD Stash allows the renaming of chars and since it is in Java it should work (not sure if any users are on Linux, have not heard success or complaints yet;) )Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Is it possible to remove mastery points, or even change masteries? I use GD Defiler to 'fix' my char's attributes currently (cause Crate didnt allowed to repect them), but sometimes, i think 'what if i've got another mastery?
MAybe, it'll be better combo for my build?' , and i dont really want to level up another toon just to check it.Yes, your masteries are simply just another can remove them via the skills tab. You'll have to tally up the points in that mastery as well as the skills under it, as I don't have an easy button for that quite yet, but it'll be one of the first things to get added so people can select a new mastery if they wish.As always, backup your character before editing (the player.gdc file).Soul.
Tried GD Defiler just now, since it's now possible to save changes to a character. Yes, your masteries are simply just another can remove them via the skills tab. You'll have to tally up the points in that mastery as well as the skills under it, as I don't have an easy button for that quite yet, but it'll be one of the first things to get added so people can select a new mastery if they wish.As always, backup your character before editing (the player.gdc file).SoulOk, at least, it's possible, and still far easier than level up another toon from scratch. Is it possible to change Faction's relationships (after choices in all difficulties were done)? For example, what if i've chosen Death's Vigil 3 times, and then recosidered, and now want to stick with Kymon's Chosen (but, obviously, dont want to level up a new char again just for that)?
Or what if i want to befriend with Outcast?Not to mention, some player could be bored with farming Nemesis reputation. You can go to C:UsersusernameDocumentsMy GamesGrim Normal and delete the quest files. Then you can redo all quests on normal diffuculty and make new choices. You just have to kill the aether construct boss and talk to a few people to get to the point where you can choose factions. I was wondering when this will be working or if i am doing something wrong. I have it installed and it pretty much looks to be just in the pre-working stages. Any ETA on when it will be ready?
Thank you for the hard work you are putting into something this awesome!It should be fully functional in it's current state, although you can't do everything yet that I have planned. So far you may edit things like attributes, skills, and rifts. I'll have more to come soon, but I've been in the process of moving so things are a little crazy and I'll have to dismantle my computer here soon and get things set back up again! I also have a paid side project that I must complete as well in the next few weeks, then I'll have more time to dedicate to Grim Dawn again.Sorry for the wait guys!Soul. My GD characters aren't showing up in the defiler in the link on the first page. My TQ and TQIT characters show up though and GD has a green check mark next to the path (F:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonGrim Dawn). Is there a different link or does something else need to be done?Are you using the cloud saves by chance?Will you update TQ Defiler so that it can adjust Nordic beta patched game?No!
BUT, GD Defiler handles the pre-Nordic patch TQ/IT toons, and will be updated to handle the patched game (once it is complete, it is currently changing too much and constantly being patched by them).no worries soul. Thanks for the heads up. We are in it for the long run!Glad to hear it!:) I plan to be as well!I have GD v1.0.0.4 and when i open the player.gdc it doesnt open and also one of the toon i made after installing GD Defiler isnt showing in the list when i go to CUsers.:( Could anyone help what am i doing wrong?As for my first reply in this post, any chance you enabled cloud save just before that last toon that isn't showing up?:). I just checked it out. Looks good so far. Any chance we could get an option to reset skill points & masteries, and another for devotions?
There are 'other' methods/tools for doing that which work, but it typically involves me manually editing stuff, and the other program doesn't always reset all the devotions, its glitchy. And it doesn't give you the correct number of skill points back when you do reset them.Definitely on my list is to have the reset masteries options back!:) I'll make sure to include a way to reset the devotions as well.;). Hmm, if GD Stash allows that to be changed (and in either direction) then I'll go ahead and make that available. Along with that would be resetting of deaths (hardcore resurrection). You have to be able to do that anyway to go from normal to HC, otherwise you'll just convert your normal toon to a likely dead HC toon.:rolleyes:SoulIt's just a checkbox in the GDStash editor.
I've tried going back and forth with it just to see what it did. It doesn't seem to cause problems. And you can edit the death count. There is an option to duplicate character, but its unavailable, will it be available in the future? Id like to try new crazy builds without starting new charcters.GreetingsYes! I'll bump that up my list if possible (hopefully for this weekend). As a workaround you could make a copy of that characters folder but rename the folder to the name of the copied character.
Then edit the character in GD Defiler to make the name in the file match, but otherwise you can hold out a bit longer until the GD Defiler takes care of that automatically.:)Soul. Getting this on anything I do since you last update.
Gd Stash 2018
Nothing is working for me on GDefiler:( any quick fix for this?See the end of this message for details on invokingjust-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. Exception Text.System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value of '125' is not valid for 'Value'. Should be resolved now, had to sign the publish in order for it to like the new manifest. Note that Windows 10 (at least on my machine) wanted to get it in the way and Windows Defender was blocking the download of just a portion of the publish (specifically the manifest file).If you get an error that contains the following in it:'Downloading Files/GDDefiler01054/GDDefiler.exe.manifest did not succeed.'
You will need to temporarily turn off Windows Defender, then re-enable it after installation. Seems the Windows 10 update may keep on giving! Sorry for the headache.Soul. Should be resolved now, had to sign the publish in order for it to like the new manifest.
Note that Windows 10 (at least on my machine) wanted to get it in the way and Windows Defender was blocking the download of just a portion of the publish (specifically the manifest file).If you get an error that contains the following in it:'Downloading Files/GDDefiler01054/GDDefiler.exe.manifest did not succeed.' You will need to temporarily turn off Windows Defender, then re-enable it after installation.
Seems the Windows 10 update may keep on giving! Sorry for the headache.Soulty for the response. Unfortunately still getting an error. First, thank you so much for the work on this tool.I'm having trouble with a feature, can't tell if it's broken or just me not using the tool properly. I'm at the main menu screen, and trying to activate Ultimate difficulty for a selected character. When I press Elite, I get the Success audio and the note at the top says Elite enabled. But when I press the Ultimate button I get the Success audio but the same message at the top saying Elite difficulty is activated.
Ultimate difficulty is not unlocked on the character.Thanks! First, thank you so much for the work on this tool.I'm having trouble with a feature, can't tell if it's broken or just me not using the tool properly.
I'm at the main menu screen, and trying to activate Ultimate difficulty for a selected character. When I press Elite, I get the Success audio and the note at the top says Elite enabled. But when I press the Ultimate button I get the Success audio but the same message at the top saying Elite difficulty is activated. Ultimate difficulty is not unlocked on the character.Thanks!Hi Fizzyhawk!I'm a little confused, I don't have audio cues for when you change a character's unlocked difficulties? There also aren't any for the Rift Gates tab when you switch between them, you are using the GD Defiler correct? (GD Stash probably has a similar feature for unlocking a difficulty, are you trying to do it in that?)If it is the GD Defiler, could you clarify which tab and if you are saving? When you mention main menu screen that sounds like a different application to me.:(Soul.