Fallout 4 Lowered Weapons
So I uninstalled and deleted Lowered Weapons by Lesma666, and deleted any animation files under meshes, actors, character and my weapons in game are still lowering. I dont have any of the other lowered weapons installed either. What am I missing here?The fact that weapon lowering is a part of the Default game.Its true, when out of combat in 3rd person the player and all NPC's will lower their weapons after a set number of seconds I believe its 5 seconds.In first person the player does in fact lower their weapon when talking to NPC's and when standing up against a wall. Actually in vanilla game you could just look at a tree or some other obstruction real quick to get your weapon lowered for when you were just running around.The weapon lowering mods were made for a variety of reasons but mostly just to make the lowered mechanic happen more often and well there is now a button activated one that makes it so that the player basically can control when this happens.

After 80 hours of playing vanilla Fallout 4, I’ve decided that it’s time for mods. Here’s how you can join me.Before we get started with the instructions, I want to point out that modding Fallout 4 is simple, but it will get easier as time goes on. Publisher Bethesda has yet to release its official modding tools for its latest open-world hit. We should get that next year along with Steam Workshop support. Steam Workshop is how Valve enables developers and the community to instantly plug add-ons into games natively through Steam.
This enables players to click the “subscribe” button on a workshop page in Steam to instantly add mods. But even when that happens for Fallout 4, the process I’m about to go over should always work.Let’s get to it:Installing modsFinding and downloading mods.
Fallout 4 Weapons Mods
First, you’ll need to find mods that you want to use with Fallout 4. The most trusted site right now is. Pick a mod like, and click on the “Files” tab. Click the “download manually” link. Save the file to your desktop or a Fallout 4 mods folder.