Dbz Super Saiyan 6

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Slice96Pierce100Impact102Explode102Soul Boost Stats Stat100%200%300%400%500%598%Health716Strike Attack0820952Blast Attack5920747Strike Defense817548Blast Defense417276CriticalStrike Art Level234555Blast Art Level234555Special Art Level112222Extra Art Level112222Equipment Slots122233Recommended Soul Boosts.

Super Saiyan 6 is just an upgrade of the Super Saiyan 5's appearance and power. The silver color of the Super Saiyan 5's hair and fur is upgraded to a gold color, in a similar manner to the base Super Saiyan form. The hair and tail is lengthened as well, giving an appearance similar to a Super Saiyan 5.


Goku Super Saiyan 5

The reddish-brown skin pigment that a Super Saiyan 5 possesses is glorified, brightened, and lightened to a light tan color. However, the user's eye color stays the same color as Super Saiyan 5, unlike the rest of the transformation characteristics, and the eyes are lined with a red color. Super Saiyan 6 deepens the voice of the Super Saiyan 5 even more.

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