Cisco 7200 Gns3 Image
In our previous article, we showed you on your windows computer. In this article, You will learn how to acquire and install the Cisco ios image in gns3. Acquiring Cisco ios image.Hey buddy! Your virtual routers are patiently waiting for an operating system to use, so that they can be useful to you and themselves. So let’s go get them.Obtaining a Cisco ios image could be the most challenging aspect of gns3 installation.
Cisco 7200 Ios Image
However, after reading through this article. You will discover where to obtain Cisco ios image for free.That been said, one of the simplest ways to acquire an ios image is to copy it from a router that you own. But they may be a downside to this approach, Gns3 only supports a handful out of the several Cisco ios models out there. So what then happens if yours is not among the ios image supported by gns3?They is another approach i will show you soon. Just before then, let’s look at some of the ios image that is compatible with gns3 routers. Outline below are some of the ios image supported by gns3.
c3640. Cisco c3660. cisco 2900 series. Also cisco 3700 series.
And finally cisco 7200 series ios image.Hmm, hold on a bit. I feel guilty right now i will confession. They is something i did’t tell you.
Remember when i listed some of the features gns3 came with in our previous? I forgot to mention if cisco ios image is part of the feature or not.The answer is no and here is why Cisco ios image didn’t come bundled with gns3 possibly because of this two reasons:.
Cisco ios image is not an open source. It is the intellectual property of cisco systems and as such it is not ordinarily available to the public. Gns3 developers do not have affiliations with cisco.
So it will be ilegal for them to supply the public with ios image.Adding ios image to gns3If you are yet to obtain at least one ios image from a real cisco device supported by gns3, here is another option. Visit to download any ios image of your choice free of charge.Note:the 2900 series ios image are quite unstable you may consider using any other gns3 supported ios apart from this.To add ios image in gns3, you may follow the steps outlined below. Start the gns3 application.
Click on Edit preference Expand the dynamips pane on the left and click on ios routers.