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Reference Manual JDA Fulfillment Release notice Rights to the content of this document Copyright © 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Note for authorized governmental end-users; subject to license restrictions in GSA contract No.
Printed in the United States of America. Reproduction of this document or any portion of it, in any form, without the express written consent of JDA Software Group, Inc.
('JDA') is prohibited. These materials are protected by the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, as an unpublished work and the foregoing notice and legend shall not be deemed to constitute publication or an intent to publish thereunder. These materials are proprietary and confidential information of JDA and may be disclosed and used only as authorized in a signed, written agreement controlling such disclosure or use. To the extent a name or logo does not appear on this list does not constitute a waiver of any intellectual property rights that JDA has established in any of its product, feature or service names, or logos. Modifications to the contents of this document JDA reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to change these materials or any of the functions, features, and specifications of any of the software described herein. JDA shall have no warranty obligation with respect to these materials of the software described herein, except as provided in the JDA software license agreement with an authorized licensee.
Rights to the functionality of this document Described functionality may not be available as part of a customer's maintenance agreement or the JDA Investment Protection Program. New features and products are subject to license fees. JDA warranty and support obligations apply only to the documentation as delivered by JDA, and are void if the documentation is modified or supplemented by anyone other than JDA. 0608a© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 2JDA Software Group, Inc.Contents Legal notice. 2 Documentation Information.
6 Help information. 6 Installation/Administration information. 6 Database information. 7 Release notes.
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7 Get additional help from JDA. 7The SCPO database (technical documentation). 8 Predefined pages. 8 Database conventions. 8 Information about tables. 8 Information about columns. 9 Paths between tables.
13Tables in the database (technical documentation). 14 AggSKUProjStatic. 15 AllocStrat. 48 AvgDmd. 50 BOM.
52 Cal. 60 CalData. 65 CPPAltRes. 74 CPPFamily.
76 CPPStrat. 78 CPPStratStep. 79 CPPTieBreaker. 85 CPPTieBreakerRule. 86 CustOrder. 89 CustOrderHist. 100 CustOrderStatus.
103 DBParam. 106 DFUToSKU. 116 DFUView. 120 DDRParamProfile. 124 DepDmdStatic.
129 DeploymentDemand. 134 DeploymentPriority.
138 DFU. 144 DFUTOE3FCST. 157 DFUToSKUFcst.
164 FulfillmentPage 3 © 1997-2007 JDA Software Group, Inc.Contents DFUToSKUSeasonErr. 167 DmdRed. 169 DmdVar. 171 DynDepSrc. 172 ExceptionGroup.
177 FcstOrder. 178 FcstOrderStatus. 182 IndDmdLink.
185 IndDmdView. 190 Inventory. 194 Item. 197 LaneGroup. 205 LaneGroupCap. 208 Loc. 209 MSE.
214 Network. 216 NetworkCap. 226 OrderException. 227 OrderHeader. 233 OrderLink. 243 OrderSKU. 248 OrderSKUDetail.
254 OrderSKUProxyInventory. 259 OrderSKUTotal. 260 OrderTotal.
262 PlanArriv. 264 PlanOrder. 273 PlanProxyInventory.
280 ProductionMethod. 281 ProxyInventory. 293 ProductionStep. 295 RecShip. 303 RecSubInventory. 311 Res.
313 ResException. 320 ResLoadDetail. 330 ResProjStatic. 337 SchedRcpts. 345 SeasonError.
351 ShelfLifeGroup. 353 ShelfLifeGroupData. 354 SKU. 355 SKUDemandParam.
365 FulfillmentPage 4 © 1997-2007 JDA Software Group, Inc.Contents SKUDemandTypeParam. 380 SKUDeploymentParam. 382 SKUDisplay. 390 SKUException. 393 SKUExternalFcst. 420 SKUHist. 423 SKUHistFcst.
425 SKUMatAllocParam. 427 SKUPerishableParam. 437 SKUPlanningParam. 442 SKUProjStatic. 461 SKUSafetyStockParam. 514 SKUStatStatic.
527 Sourcing. 537 SourcingUOMConvFactor. 549 SourcingView. 551 SS.
553 SSPresentation. 555 SSTemplate. 558 SSTemplateData. 559 StatSS. 562 StockOrder. 563 StockOrderStatus.
566 SubstItem. 569 Supersession. 571 SuppOrderSKU. 574 TransMode. 576 TransModeCap.
579 UOM. 581 UOMCategory. 583 UOMCategoryConvFactor.
584 VehicleLoad. 586 VehicleLoadLine. 593 VehicleLoadTotal. 599Table Relationships.
600 Index. 672FulfillmentPage 5 © 1997-2007 JDA Software Group, Inc.Documentation Information Four different types of documentation are included with this application:.Help information.Installation/Administration information.Database information.Release notesIf you need additional help or have problems with your application, see Get additional help from JDA.Help information Supply Chain Planning and Optimization (SCPO) applications contains online HTML help that can guide you through the user interface.
Each page has its own context-sensitive help topic that describes the purpose of each component of the page. In addition, user information is included to describe high-level processes and procedures, as well as provide step-by-step instructions for completing a task. You can access online help for a particular page by clicking on the Help link at the top of the page. In the help, you can access additional information through the table of contents or by using the index. You can also search the help using Search located at the top of the Help window.
The SCPO suite of applications includes some components and utilities that are used by multiple applications as well as components that are specific to a single application. When using SCPO applications, you need to be aware of your location within the system as it determines the help text to which you have access. For example, if you are working in a Flexible Editor page, which is part of the basic SCPO architecture, and you click on the Help link, you will access general help information for common SCPO components.
In this help, you will find information about common features, such as Flexible Editor, calendar management, and import/export. This help also contains the definitions for each database table. However, this help does not provide information about specific JDA Demand or JDA Fulfillment features, such as forecasting, planning, distribution, or allocation. To access information about application-specific features, you must access the help for that application.
To do so, open the appropriate page in the application. If you are unsure which page to use, open any application-specific page, such as Plan Analysis for JDA Fulfillment or Demand Workbench for JDA Demand, and click on the Help link on that page.
The context-sensitive help topic for the page you are on will display in the right frame and the table of contents for the entire application help system will display in the left frame. You can then use the table of contents, search, or index to find the application-specific information you are looking for.Installation/Administration information The Supply Chain Planning and Optimization Installation/Administration Guide provides information about the architecture of Supply Chain Planning and Optimization, step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the server and applications, instructions for creating or migrating your database, and information on customizing and administering the applications once they are installed. SCPO guides are available online as Adobe® Acrobat® PDF (Portable Document Format) files. JDA documentation is designed to work with Adobe Reader, version 5.0 or higher. © 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 6Documentation Information When you install SCPO, you can access the guides from the config scpowebdocenmanuals directory on the JDA DVD, the JDA program group on the Windows Start menu, or from the installed directory structure.Database information The application Reference Manuals contain detailed information about the tables and columns in the SCPO Universal Data Model (UDM). These documents are in PDF format and are located in the configscpowebdocenmanuals directory on the JDA DVD.
In addition, the definitions for the tables used by each JDA application are included within the help.Release notes The Supply Chain Planning and Optimization (SCPO) Release notes contain information that pertains to all the JDA applications included in SCPO. The Release Notes have three sections:.Installing and Upgrading - Provides version-specific installation notes for SCPO.What’s new - Provides a summary of the new features and enhancements included as part of SCPO.Resolved Issues: Provides information on resolved issues for SCPO and, if necessary, ways to work around them.Information alerts- Provides alert information/known issues of SCPO and, if necessary, ways to work around them.In addition, individual product Release Notes are available for each JDA application for which you are licensed. These Release Notes contain application-specific hardware and software requirements, if applicable, and a list of known software issues for the application. The General SCPO Release Notes is called releasenotesgeneralSCPO.pdf.
File names for individual product Release Notes are in the format releasenotes.pdf, for example, releasenotesdemand.pdf. You can access Release Notes files by opening the desired file located in the doc directory on the JDA DVD. Readme files are also available from the JDA program group on the Windows Start menu and from the installed directory structureGet additional help from JDA If you need additional help or have problems with your application, and you are under an active Solution Support Agreement, contact JDA Customer Support Solutions (CSS). For CSS contact information, see www.jdauser.com.© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 7The SCPO database (technical documentation) This Reference Manual contains detailed information about the tables and columns in the Universal Data Model used by this application, as well as other information about displaying and working with your data.Predefined pages Your system includes a predefined Flexible Editor page for most tables in the Universal Data Model.
These pages enable you to work with and review data in your database. You can use these pages just as they are or tailor them to meet your needs. To access these pages, open the Directory from the Welcome page of the JDA applications. The ability to access these pages is controlled by your Common Security Administration privileges.Database conventions This section provides detailed information about the Universal Data Model, the database used with your Supply Chain Planning and Optimization (SCPO) applications. It includes the following topics:.Information about tables explains the categories of information provided for each table.Information about columns explains the kinds of information presented for each column within the tables.Paths between tables explains the paths from each table to other tables. When the system allows you to use data from multiple tables, or to navigate between two tables, there is said to be a path between those tables.Information about tables At the beginning of each table listing is information that applies to the whole table, as explained in the following sections.Applications that include the table The label “Table included with” at the beginning of each table lists the JDA applications that include that table. For example, the JDA Fulfillment/Deployment application is available as an add-on to the JDA Fulfillment/Distribution component.
Any table that is included with Fulfillment/Distribution is also included with Fulfillment/Deployment. However, tables that are included with Fulfillment/Deployment are not also included with Fulfillment/Distribution unless the listing specifically says so.
Each column also has an “Included with” label. A column is used by a particular application only if that application is listed as “included with” both the table and the column.
Caution: The configuration code controls which JDA applications are installed, and therefore determines what database tables can be used. In Flexible Editor, you can view database tables common to multiple applications, such as JDA Demand and Fulfillment.© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 8The SCPO database (technical documentation)Primary key columns in the table Most tables in the database have a primary key—a column or group of columns whose values uniquely identify one row in the table. For each table, the primary keys are identified in the tabular presentation of column information, in the PK column. See Primary key columns.Parent/Child tables and columns (foreign keys) The Universal Data Model uses referential integrity, which creates foreign key constraints in the schema and therefore constrains the data you can enter or import. The constraints exist between parent and child tables.
Data must exist in the parent table before you can enter it in the child table. For a description of the parent/child relationships within the UDM, see Table Relationships.Information about columns Each table in the database may contain a maximum of 1,000 columns, including system columns and user-defined columns. Near the beginning of each table description in this manual is a tabular presentation of information about the columns in the table. For each column, the following information is included where it is applicable.Primary key columns Most tables in the database have a primary key—a column or group of columns whose values uniquely identify one row in the table.
For each table, the primary keys are identified in the tabular presentation of column information, in the PK column. No two rows in a table can have the same combination of values in the primary key columns. For example, the primary key columns in the SKUProjStatic table are Item, Loc, StartDate, and OptionSet. The two rows in the following example have the same value for Item, Location, and OptionSet, but different values for StartDate: ItemLocationStartDateOptionSet16001LA4/1LA5/31/053You cannot change the value in a primary key column after it has been set. To change a value in a primary key column, you must delete the row containing that value and add a new row.
You can do this manually within the application, or by importing new data. Caution: Primary key text values are always saved as uppercase. For example, if you execute a search with a criterion of loc.loc=New York, New York will not be returned. However, if you change the search criterion to loc.loc=NEW YORK, then NEW YORK will be returned.Applications that use the columns In the tabular presentation of column information, the “Included with” column lists the JDA applications with which that column is included. The following application abbrevations are used:© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 9The SCPO database (technical documentation) DDR = JDA Dynamic Demand Response Dmd = JDA Demand FF = JDA Fulfillment IPO = JDA IPO MDO = JDA Markdown Optimization MP = JDA Master Planning PM = JDA Promotions Optimization SPO = JDA Shelf Price Optimization OP = JDA Order Promising Strat = JDA Strategy Supp = JDA Supply Each table also has a “Table included with” label.
A column is used by a particular application only if that application is listed in the “included with” label for both the table and the column.Datatype In the tabular presentation of column information, the Datatype column lists the column datatype, which identifies the basic kinds of data stored in that column, such as Text or Integer. The datatype imposes limits on:.Which characters are valid in columns of that datatype.The range of valid values (for numeric columns)For each individual column, the column description may state further restrictions on valid values. For example, a column value may be required to be the name of an existing location, or may have a minimum value of 0. The following paragraphs explain the purpose of each datatype and specify the characters that are valid for each. Note: When working in the Flexible Editor in a JDA application, you may be able to change the display format for one column or all columns of a particular datatype. For example, in a Duration column, the format may be changed to display the data in days instead of hours, or in a Decimal column you may limit the number of digits displayed. For detailed information, see the online help.Text and UpperText Text and UpperText columns are character columns of a maximum fixed length, generally used for free-form textual data.
The maximum length for a text column is 50 characters. When you type a value into an entry field for a text column, the system removes any leading blanks, left-justifies the data, and checks it against the list of invalid characters. The following characters are invalid in some or all applications: CharacterCharacter nameInvalid in“Double quoteAll applicationsBackslashSCPO Customer Order Override check box and specify a value in the Duration field. Note: This option does not guarantee that the demand will not be met earlier than the MaxEarlyDur. MaxEarlyDur works in conjunction with other options.IPO IPO uses this column in its time-phased replenishment plan cost model in the same way as Master Planning, as described above.MaxLateDur The limit on how late the customer will accept this order line.
If this value is greater than 0, the Master Planning algorithm will not try to find supply that will result in meeting the order line later than: CustOrder:ShipDate + CustOrder:MaxLateDur If CustOrder:MaxLateDur is 0, the algorithm uses the maximum late duration specified for the entire customer order in CustOrderHeader:MaxLateDur. If the CustOrderHeader:MaxLateDur is also 0, the algorithm uses the value specified in the Duration field on the Calculate Master Plan process page. When you run the Master © 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 94CustOrder Planning algorithm, you can override the CustOrder:MaxLateDur and the CustOrderHeader:MaxLateDur values for the current algorithm run. To do that, on the Calculate Master Plan process page, check the Meet Late Durations Customer Order Override check box and specify a value in the Duration field.IPO IPO uses this column in its time-phased replenishment plan cost model in the same way as Master Planning, as described above.OrderID Unique identifier of the line item defined in this row.OrderLineItem Unique identifier of this order line item. To have the system generate a unique value for this order line item, specify a value of 0.
Otherwise, specify a unique value for this column.OrderSeqNum The demand order identifier used to map output records to input order information.OrderType This column contains a numeric type representing the demand order type. This is an information only field and holds a default value of -115.OverrideFcstTypeSw The value in this column specifies whether or not to update the FcstType (flag) for a particular CustOrder.Priority This value indicates the importance of this customer order line in relation to all other customer order lines.
The Master Planning process uses this priority when determining which demand to satisfy first. Valid values for Priority are 0 or greater. A value of 1 is most important and higher values are less important. A value of 0 means that no priority has been set, and the Master Planning process will use the priority for the whole order (CustOrderHeader:Priority). You can set customer order priorities in several places, which Master Planning checks in the following sequence:.CustOrder:Priority (priority of a specific customer order line).CustOrderHeader:Priority (priority of all the customer order lines in one customer order).Cust:Priority (priority of all the customer order lines for one customer).SKUDemandParam:CustOrderPriority (priority of all customer order lines for one SKU)© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 95CustOrderPrioritySeqNum The sequence number generated for a customer order if you choose to run the Calculate Rules Based Priority process.Project JDA Supply uses this column to read the project code that is used by the matched sets logic in the Resource Optimization process. When the Matched Project Sets option is selected, Resource Optimization checks for independent demands that have been assigned the same project ID as the supply kept aside for those specific demands.
Resource Optimization will use only those supplies that match. If matches are not found, then Resource Optimization uses supplies from the open stock.Qty The number of units of the SKU specified by this order.Fulfillment If you are using the Build Transportation Loads feature, quantity should be defined in terms of the Unit of Measure specified for this item in the Item table.Reservation Reservation indicates whether this customer order is a reservation customer order—a future customer order that has not yet been fully processed but for which existing stock is reserved immediately. Unlike regular customer orders, which are processed and then imported into the CustOrder table, reservation customer orders are brought into the CustOrder table on a real-time basis. This makes them immediately available to the Available to Promise SKU projection calculation (see SKUProjStatic:ATP for a description) or the Plan Analysis ATP column where, like regular customer orders, they are subtracted from available stock.
Because there is no delay between the time when the customer order is placed with the order-taker and the time when it is actually reflected in the ATP calculation, the next order-taker can review the ATP without worrying that the quantity includes stock that has already been committed to another customer. Reservation customer orders have an expiration date associated with them (see CustOrder:ResExp, below).
Consider the following example: A customer calls a supplier and wants to place an order for a particular item. After checking the SKU projection ATP column to be sure that there is enough stock to cover the order quantity, the order-taker places a reservation order for the number of units the customer has requested. The reservation order is immediately added to the CustOrder table.
The order ID (CustOrder:OrderID) and expiration date (CustOrder:ResExp) are added at the same time. When the next order-taker views the SKU projection ATP column, the change in the ATP based on the quantity of the reservation customer order is reflected. Note: The SKUProjStatic table requires the Store SKU Projections process to be run to recalculate values.© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 96CustOrderResExp The date/time that the reservation customer order expires.
Unexpired customer orders are treated as regular customer orders—that is, they are subtracted from available supply in the Available to Promise (SKU projection ATP) calculation. The system will not automatically remove expired reservation customer orders from the database; you will need to do this manually.
The system does not include reservation customer orders with an expiration date prior to SKU:OHPost when it calculates ATP values.Revenue The selling price associated with this order line item. Valid values for Revenue are –1, 0 or greater. If the Demand Unit Revenue Weight field on the Calculate Sigmoid Priority process page has a high relative weight for Revenue, Master Planning will favor orders with larger unit revenue values over those with smaller unit revenues when determining which demand to meet next. If the value in this column is greater than or equal to 0, Master Planning uses it as the revenue value.
Otherwise, it calculates the revenue as: CustOrder:Qty × (SKUDemandParam:IndDmdUnitCost + SKUDemandParam:IndDmdUnitMargin) The unit revenue is calculated as: revenue (as calculated above) -CustOrder:QtyShipCompleteSw If this switch is set to Yes and the order is partially met, then the system will generate an exception.ShipDate The date and time when this line item must be shipped in order to meet the date needed by the customer. Valid values are date/time and cannot be blank.ShipSw This column is not used in the current release.Status Option that indicates whether the Quantity of this order is still included in the current values for SKU:OH at the source.
Status is also used in determining whether the quantity is used in the forecast adjustment process and whether it is a backorder.1 = Part of On Hand, Not Shipped This order has not been shipped; the quantity is still included in SKU:OH for the source. The quantity is used in the forecast adjustment process if CustOrder:FcstSw is Yes and if CustOrder:ShipDate is greater than SKU:OHPost (or Loc:OHPost if SKU:OHPost is blank).© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 97CustOrder If ShipDate is on or before OHPost, the system will use the order quantity in forecast adjustment logic. That quantity is included in SKU statistic Backorders.
Backorders will be included in SKU projection TotDmd in the time period that includes SKU:OHPost (or Loc:OHPost).2 = Part of On Hand, Shipped The quantity is still included in SKU:OH, but the order has been shipped. The system will calculate SKU projection ProjOH as SKU:OH minus the order quantity. The quantity is used in the forecast adjustment process if CustOrder:FcstSw is Yes and if CustOrder:ShipDate is greater than SKU:OHPost (or Loc:OHPost if SKU:OHPost is blank). If ShipDate is on or before OHPost, the system will use the order quantity in forecast adjustment logic.
Those order quantities are included in SKU statistic Backorders. Backorders will be included in SKU projection TotDmd in the time period that includes SKU:OHPost (or Loc:OHPost).3 = Not Part of On Hand, Shipped The quantity is not used in the Forecast Adjustment process.SubstLevel This column contains the substitution level used by JDA Supply’s Perform Resource Optimization process to select rules. Substitution levels and operators are used to sequence the processing of substitution rules as defined in the SubstRule table.
For example, if substitution level and operator are specified as =00 50Table description Stores time-phased mean squared error (MSE) of demand values for a SKU. This table is used both as an input and output table.
As an input table, it stores user-specified time-phased or time-invariant MSE values from an external system. As an output table, it stores a single time invariant MSE value resulting from the calculation of the Calculate Statistical Safety Stock process with the SKU MSE option selected.Column descriptions Eff Effective Date (Eff) is the date and time at which the MSE defined in this row becomes active.Item The item associated with the SKU for which an MSE is defined in this row.Loc The location associated with the SKU for which an MSE is defined in this row.MSE Mean Squared Error (MSE) is the value of the mean squared error of demand. This value is based on the rule specified in the CalcMSERule column of the SKUSafetyStockParam table. Note: When time-phased MSEs are imported from an external system, care must be taken to ensure that the MSEs populated in this table are prorated over the value specified in SKUSafetyStockParam:FcstDur. The Calculate Statistical Safety Stock process interprets user-specified MSEs (in the event that you input MSEs) as MSE of demand over FcstDur. So make sure you populate FcstDur with the appropriate value so that the system properly interprets the MSE that you have defined.© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc. ConfidentialPage 214MSEFulfillment See Working with statistical safety stock based on customer service targets in the Inventory Management in JDA Fulfillment section of the online Help for information on this value.CoeffVar Coefficient of Variation.
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Calculated as: MSE -MDDNote: If this column is greater than 6, the demand is considered to be very unstable.MSEBias The percentage of occurrence where forecasted demand values are greater than the actual demand values. (In a random demand situation, there is an equal possibility of the forecast being greater or lesser than the actuals).© 1997-2008 JDA Software Group, Inc.