
How To Write An Android App

Book DescriptionWhat Every Android App Developer ShouldKnow Today: Android 6 Tools, App/UI Design, Testing, Publishing,and MoreIntroduction toAndroid ™ Application Development, FifthEdition, is the most useful real-world guide tobuilding robust, commercial-grade Android apps with the new Android6 SDK, Android Studio, and latest development best practices.Bigger, better, and more comprehensive than ever, this book coverseverything you need to start developing professional apps formodern Android devices. If you’re serious about Androiddevelopment, this guide will prepare you to build virtually any appyou can imagine!Three well-respected experts guide youthrough setting up your development environment, designing userinterfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing yourentire app-development process. Up-to-date code listings supportin-depth explanations of key API features, and many chapterscontain multiple sample apps.This fifth edition adds brand-new chapters onmaterial design, styling applications, design patterns, andquerying with SQLite.

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